Form F Assessment

The fostering assessment – also known as a Form F assessment – is a crucial piece of work to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in our care. And every foster parent in the UK must complete an assessment to become approved.
This complete, in-depth and rigorous assessment report is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in your care. The assessment report will outline the basis of your suitability to become a foster parent.
How a Form F assessment works
Taking anywhere between 12-16 weeks to complete, Form Fs are completed by our Independent Social Workers who will carry out various checks during your fostering assessment.
These checks could take place over the phone, at your home or in a meeting. A typical Form F assessment includes:
- Practical information about your circumstances like where you live, your relationship history and your general level of health
- Details on who you live with
- More detailed information like your employment history, standard of living and useful skills relevant to fostering
- An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check
As part of the Form F assessment, you’ll also be asked your motivation and reasons for wanting to foster. So, not only will this type of assessment make sure you are suitable for fostering, but that fostering is the right choice for you.
Get in touch
To find out more, contact us or fill in a referral.
Generally, a Form F assessment takes from 3 to 6 months for us to complete with you.
Yes, you will have the same Independent Social Worker throughout your assessment.
Yes, a part of the assessment will be interviews at your home.